It's almost Christmas ...
In the loneliness of my room
I look though the foggy window:
distant lights,
distant sound of songs,
laughter, prayers, fireworks thundering in the wilderness...
Miserable, I think of those who are absent.
Cold Christmas. Sad, heartbreaking.
My gaze is lost in the darkness of the weakness
I look, but I cannot see anything:
Nothing ahead. Nothing in future ...
Why am I alone?
I look back over the past,
I recall the glorious days
Of fame, power, victory ...
Where are you, fans of yore,
Loves from green years,
Friends of all time?
I failed, you failed, we failed,
Where did we leave
Our dreams, our friendship,
Mistakes and disappointments? Suddenly… Sounds increase,
Phrases that elevate,
Laughters that fulfill,
Euphoria, hope, songs, smell of love ...
Who came? Who knocks?
Merry Christmas! I feel you have come,
You came, no, you were already here,
I just did not see,
What a joy!
You fill my Christmas
With love, light and heat!
Eternal friend, friend of all times,
You were never far, not even would be far now,
As always, you are here,
with me, Lord!
In faith, we are never alone ...
There is no better company
To be together with us
It is His birthday today!
©Oriza Martins